03 Mar February 2017, and what is hatching (beyond the Pokemons) this year…
After we had a very successful Q4 2016 and first month in 2017, with advisory mandates in different industries all being digitally disrupted:
– Retail (transaction pending with undisclosed British Family Office)
– Hospitality and Food (transaction confirmed; undisclosed deal with German Family Office)
– Digital Strategic Advisory for FinTech Company (MBO)
– Artificial Intelligence Venture Development and Automatisation (Arranger for value chain integrated platform)
– Ongoing placement for a Family Office funded European Venture Fund and the structuring of a new Tech Incubator.
Alongside we are venturing our Digital Advisory Unit using new tools (Customer centric big data, MVP, bots, …) to deliver Digital Return and transformation to our corporate clients.
Next steps in Q1/Q2 will be achieved by humble work, continuing our roadshow, attending several digital venues in Europe and establishing the Insurenext platform.
2017 will be the year of AI and the bots – see the following good essay about the predictions for technology investments:
Alexander Rupperts Predictions – Earlybird VC: